Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chapter One: The Arrival

Well, I've arrived in Bath. 

Here's all I have to stay so far.  Dublin has a pretty sweet airport.  Their signs are in Gaelic and English.  If that's not cool then I don't know what it.  Also, one of the first things I saw was a huge American flag.  As my eloquent brother would say, "Whipped."  If you don't get it, don't worry.  It probably just means you're sane.  Anyways, here's proof:

Anyways, the airport at London seemed smaller than I expected.  Maybe I just expected such a huge buzzing metropolis that it could never even hope to meet my expectations.  The bus to Bath took me to, of all places, Bath.  And now I'm here. 

In fact, I'm writing this in an absolutely adorable room in an absolutely adorably townhouse with an excellent view and precious garden.  Tomorrow we get our full orientation of the city.  What's expected of us academically, where various places are, where to find cheap groceries, hopefully where to find a brush...I forgot one.  I've also learned that I have to read Emma and Persuasion in addition to the two Jane Austen novels I read for the course.  I'm very excited to read more Jane Austen, but I will certainly be busy.

I've done a bit of wandering around the city.  It's absolutely beautiful; it has exceeded my expectations.  The weather has been good, i.e. sunny, somewhat warm, and only threatening rain.  I'll post more later, but for now my favorite part of the city (by far) is Bath Abbey.  I took pictures from practically every angle.  I'll probably write a whole post about it once I take the tour.  But for now:

Isn't that gorgeous?  Of course it is.  And it's also bedtime in England.  More later!

1 comment:

  1. Jane it looks awesome, I am so excited for you! I forgot the last time I saw you at St. A's that you were leaving so soon or I would have wished you safe travels. I will definitely be praying for you as you journey and is gonna be an awesome adventure!!!!!
